Happy New Year
A few days late, I know but I really wanted to wish all my friends, family and occasional visitors to my blog a very HNY!
We had a lovely and busy Christmas this year. We went to Michael's parents Christmas eve and stayed over for Christmas morning, where we were very spoilt. Back to ours for the arrival of my family. The rest of the day was very chaotic but very enjoyable. My 33 year old Brother becomes 10 again at christmas. New Year was almost magical. We went to Chillingham Castle. We have been there several times but not with the amount of snow we got at New Year. See my FlickR pages for photos. At one point we thought we may actually be snowed in as we had problems getting the car out of the grounds! New Year consisted of a bottle of something fizzy and cosying up in our fantastic Lookout apartment with a long walk in the snowy grounds the next morning. Unfortunately we managed to get the car out of the snow and onto the A1 and back to reality...sigh.
I have plans for this year. One is to move on with my photography (luckily I have an in-house instructor - Michael Ward). I would like to upgrade my Nikon D100, it has served me well and I have learnt a lot with it as it is very intuitive but I would like a D200 now and a couple of new lenses. Although all this will take cash that i don't have at the moment! The other plans I will reveal at a later date!
I'm off to enjoy a nice quiet weekend, well with the exception of a visit from the whirlwind Nephews!